Someone up there hates me.... for months my friend has nagged me for an Empeg - so I buy one from user GeoffT to sell to him for same price - only he's changed his mind! Aaaaagh!

To get to the point, I now have a 10gb Empeg (or I will when its delivered tomorrow!) that my friend doesn't want. And I cant afford to be down on the deal.

Offers please in UK Pounds.... I don't want to make a profit or otherwise I'll feel guilty. I'm in UK, you can collect it, or if you feel better I can eBay it. Will ship internationally as long as you pay shipping.

philip (DOT) ohare (AT) ntlworld (DOT) com

(note: I'm keeping the Anoface )

Edited by PhilipOHare (28/07/2003 08:00)