This one goes out to, obviously, any users of Adobe Premiere 6.

Say I've edited a file. I want to save it as a video file. In 6 there are several options, and usually I just choose Windows Media because I like it and I can create good quality files at small sizes. However, I'm trying to make a VCD. This means I'm going to have to choose another format if I'm not going to want to sit around all day while the WMF is converted to MPEG. The problem is I can't find a way to save the timeline to a good quality MEPG. There are options in Export Timline>Movie tosave to the MPEG format, but they all look like crap! My solution was in that same place, I saved as Microsoft DV which produces an AVI file. That's easier to convert, but they're HUGE, especially if working with a 37 minute long file as I am.

Does anyone know the settings to export a normal, lossless MPEG from the Premiere timeline?