
I recently saw sense and bought myself a new DVD player. A Pioneer 656.

The problem is that it won't ouput video properly on my old toshiba 1440 television. All video, VCD and DVDs, as well as the system menus themselves are "off" to the left so that I can't read the 1st 2 letters of the menu options, and the video output is also off to one side.

By changing the video output in the menu from RGB to Video, it shifts slightly to the right, but still not quite right.

It almost looks like I need to rescale my picture to fit (like on a computer monitor).

Any ideas? Is it the player or the tvs fault? My old Toshiba 2109 didn't have this problem on the same tv. I've set all the settings to 4:3 but no luck.

Any help is appreciated.
