I just thought I'd let everyone know that Lavasoft's glorious adware and spyware remover has just been updated. Version 6.0 has been out for a couple weeks in pay form, but just today or yesterday they released the free version.

I've installed and run the new program. It's a bit more bubbly than I care for, but it certainly gets the job done! I was running 5.83 with the latest library when I remembered to check for the new program release. 5.83 found 5 components in my registry before I aborted the scan to see how many the new program would find. Well, it found 23 (but it now calls them "objects"). All total it found 111 objects on my system. Huzzah!

It looks to be a great improvement to an already great piece of software. There appear to be a lot of options added to it as well.

Here's the link

Edited by DiGNAN17 (06/02/2003 02:35)