Having a new laptop that supports Bluetooth internally, I figured a Bluetooth mouse would be handy. So I bought the Microsoft Bluetooth one. It was detected by OS X just fine, and seems to work well. Untill I started using it more and more. From time to time, the mouse skips, making me miss my mark and nailing a wrong icon. Bearable, but a pain. Next problem though. I packed up my laptop into my bag, and tossed the mouse in. See any problem to this? Well, there is no way to turn the mouse off, so it sat in my bag, wasting battery power. And aparently from others experiences, it sucks down batteries pretty quickly even with normal desktop use.

Second annoynance. The Bluetooth adaptor MS ships in the kit is worthless. I figured I could use it on my PC, but no such luck. It supports the mice and keyboard, bluetooth printers, and dial up features on cell phones. Thats it. No headsets, no sync ability for PDAs or phones, and no file transfers from other Bluetooth devices. And definitly no proximity sensor functionality like on my Mac. Oh, and for some, I'm sure the fact that Windows XP SP1 is required for any of it to work could be seen as a problem.

I'll be returning this to the store soon. Microsoft hardware quality has definitly gone downhill. First with the crazy keyboard layout, the loss of the Sidewinder line, and now this.