Hi All, I have a question about digital cameras I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere. I take pictures of fountains as part of my job. With film cameras, I use (when I can find it), asa 25 speed film. This seems impossible to find these days, so I use 50 speed. The problem is that even with 50 speed, the fountains begin to look weird. They have a "water hanging in the air" look. The 25 speed film is slow enough that water looks much like it does in life. At 100 speed, you see definite water drops, and at 200 and above, you see perfectly formed water drops just hanging in air.

Since this is the opposite of what most people want, I haven't found any literature covering the extreme slow end of cameras. I did play with a Sony once that had settable "asa" values, but the lowest it would go was asa100, the default was 400. Does anyone know of a high quality, big lens digital camera that can do these slow shutter speeds in bright light?

