Not yet ready for prime time. I wish this had been a little more clear when I decided to try this program out. As it is, I'm sticking with it for one reason: I've read that it's a real challenge to get your information back into Outlook. I remember reading, when I installd Thunderbird, that its mail database was easily read by any email client or something along those lines.

1) I still can't believe they went through till this release with this annoying system of forcing a new set of folders for every email address you own. Furthurmore, this wouldn't be as annoying if you didn't have to choose to receive mail for every one of them. Why can't I have something that will check them all at once?

2) there doesn't seem to be a way to make the default screen anything other than the stupid welcome screen. Why can't I go straight to the inbox?

3) either there are some simple options missing, or they're hard to find. For instance, I'd love to be able to set the program so that when I reply to someone, the cursor is automatically placed at the top instead of the bottom.
*edit* I found the setting for this one. It's there, but I can still claim that it's annoying to have to set it for each account if I want a universal setting.

4) bugs. very annoying bugs. for instance, when I double click on a folder to expand it, it instead opens another instance of Thunderbird. I then found one of those extentions which supposedly fixes this problem, but it didn't do a thing.

5) the spam filter does not work. At the very most it is broken. I've marked countless messages as spam, and it never marks anything except, occasionally, email from a listserv which is in turn the only thing I've marked as NOT spam.

This is simply suprising to me. This project has been going on for a while, hasn't it? Sorry, but there are other projects out there, for what would seem to be more complicated programs, that work better than this one, or at least don't fall short in very basic ways.

What would I suggest? I'd suggest:
1- allow us to decide how to handle multiple email accounts
2- add some more basic interface options
3- don't do it yourself, Mozzila people - just incorporate something like Spambayes, which worked flawlessly when I used Outlook.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just a little peeved at the program right now. On the upside, I do really enjoy Firefox, and will never go back to IE.

Edited by DiGNAN17 (14/09/2004 20:48)