The shopping centre I was working at today had an X-Box 360 display setup, quite impressive, they had taken over an empty shop unit and filled it with 360's.

One of the guys running the show noticed I was working on the centre's broadband lines and was asking me some questions, they were running the whole show off a 3G card in a laptop! Quite impressive in itself.

Anyway, they let me jump the queue and have a quick go. From a distance the footbal game (excuse my ignorance I'm not a gamer) look like it was a real match! But other than that it was pretty much what you would expect, just with higher res graphics, same old boring games. Nothing that will make me run out and buy one...

...apart from it's media centre features, if you have XP MCE, the 360 connects to it and you have access to all the features on your X-Box too, and this comes straight out of the box (so the guy says). This may be enough to sway me, as I was thinking about using MCE to run my MAME machine.

One other thing, the PSU, IT'S HUGE!!!

