I've got a bunch of new machines at work to run my broadcast control system that I'm writing. I've been exclusivley a Gentoo man before this but Marks recommendation of ubuntu made me want to give it a go. I have to say for ease of install and getting a development environment going it's really quite good.

The sticking point I've reached is trying to get Comedi running (it's a bunch of kernel modules and tools to talk to data aquisition cards). Under gentoo I'd either emerge it or build it from the latest release tarball without issue. Looking at the packages available I saw there was a comedi-source package available. So selected that and followed the instructions to build it (module-assistant) but all I get it errors, mostly around debian/rules stuff. A build from source is also not possible. Could someone try and compile/build this on their machine and let me know wether it works or not?

It would be a shame to drop an otherwise very nice distro just because I can't get this crucial bit of software working.

Andy M