Ok, I must suck with Google.

My Search-Fu was good enough to find the name of a manufacturer of dog/pet accessories, but I'll be damned (like G.W. Bush and the NeoCon Axis) if I can find their web site.

The specific product that lead me on this search is a dog bed. The manufacturer/brand of these beds is "NY Dog" which I found sometimes referred to as "New York Dog." The various skus often contain the word 'snuggle' in them.

Such as: http://www.callingalldogs.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=28

That site doesn't mention the brand, but the distinctive logo on the beds is NY Dog's registered trademark.

Here's a site with collars that does mention the brand: http://www.handsnpaws.com/product/NYDCOL3241CL

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Failing that, basically what I'm looking for is a source for these items in Canada. I'm actually looking for the second bed in the first link (in the larger size).

History: A friend of my girlfriend's has one for her dog. We took care of that dog for a few months last year and found it was super build quality, reversible, the dog loved it and it was so convenient for use around the house or even tossing into the back of the car.

We're about to get two puppies this week - Erin's been begging for a dog for over a year. These cute guys just sort of fell into our laps and are "free" to boot. One is a Shitsu-Poodle cross (Flash) and the other is a Hound/Beagle-Doberman-Shepherd cross (Sunny). I still don't have the story exact on Sunny, but he looks like a cross between a Jack Russel, Beagle with a bit of Dachshun features and longer legs. They're both approximately 6 months old.
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