I tell you, my parents' computer is really frustrating me:

CD Burning

It appears to not be possible to burn any CDs on my parents' computer. I've used several programs, including CDBurnerXP Pro, straight from WMP, and the built-in Windows burner, but none of them are able to burn. The frustrating part is that I don't seem to have any way of troubleshooting the problem. No errors show up in the event viewer (no messages at all), and none of the programs give any reason for their failed burns!

The drive is a SATA Plextor drive, no more than two years old. It's read every type of disc that's been put into it. It's just never been able to burn (and my parents never tried until recently).

Any suggestions?


This one is just as weird/frustrating. My folks bought a shiny new color Lexmark laser printer. It's very nice. Unfortunately we've had nothing but connectivity problems since it was installed. At first, I tried setting it up as a network printer. That didn't turn out well, because print jobs would take at least 5 minutes to print, no matter what the content (a simple text file, even). Then I tried USB. That worked fine, even though it still took about 20 seconds.

Then the computer's power supply died. I replaced it, but naturally, when I plugged all the USB devices back in, they weren't in the ports they were originally. Why is it that Windows needs to reinstall a device if you merely move it to another port? Anyway, now when the printer is connected via USB, it is impossible to print to it. The most annoying part is that it appears in the printers list, but with a gray icon, and it says it's not ready. I've tried to research the problem, but according to Microsoft, this is a bug that they haven't fixed yet. They don't offer any solutions. So what, is my only choice that if I want to use the printer, I have to reinstall Windows or something?

I have them set up temporarily. The last thing I tried was to connect the printer to their Airport Extreme and share it. This actually works pretty well, but still takes a long time to print to (about 45 seconds).

Any ideas? Thanks for any help you can give me, guys. These days I have been so insanely busy, I haven't had a chance to spend a good long time working on their computer. I've been going non-stop setting our house up, and the only relaxing I get to do anymore is when I watch my TV shows on the subway on my way into work!