I needed to do some Web stuff this evening, so came home and, somewhat by chance, popped the Peter Gabriel concert DVD _Growing Up_ into the player for "background music".

Lomg story short, I quickly abandoned my Web work and just sat watching PG.

It dawned on me that I need *more* music/concert DVDs, but which ones??? I have a few kicking around:

Price/Purple Rain (best club scenes, evah.)
Prince/In Las Vegas
Lou Reed/Live at Montreaux
Richar Thonpsons/1000 Years of Popular Music (instant classic...and Judith Owen!)

...and maybe 1 or 2 more).

But what else I am I missing??? I need suggestions. No sign of Squeeze _Around and About_ yet on DVD. What do you suggest???

FYI, we went to see _It Might Be Loud_ a few weeks back. Some *great* Zeppelin footage.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.