
I thought this was an easy search but apparently that is not the case.

I am looking for a "mass SMS sender", but this has nothing to do with mass marketing efforts.

This is a device I want to use to allow Public Safety department employees in my organization to reach out all employees with SMSs in case of a severe emergency.

There are several cloud-based services, all designed for mass marketing, but I'd rather not use them for various reasons (more on this if you're curious), and simply stick to a device to be placed in our server room. We' be happy to pay the little cost of a SIM card with our main mobile phone provider, and place it into the device.

Ideally, I'd like this device to offer some interface to allow non-IT people to update the internal contact list on a regular basis, and insure it is always current. Of course, this is a device that we hope will never be used other than to insure the contact list is current, but that can send send hundreds of sms s reliably in little time if needed.

I'd have expected to find a plethora of devices with web interfaces allowing .csv or .xls(s) import features. And, I do remember seeing few of such "sms gateways" years ago; but all I could find today is cloud-based mass marketing-oriented services.

Do any of you have recommendations?

Thank you!
= Taym =
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