
So I'm thinking about developing an app for the empeg. Easiest way I thought would be to give Linux a (long overdue) try on my desktop. I got the (both) RedHat Linux CD and Installed it into an empty partition selecting the Workstation Installation option. All goes well until I decide I want to connect to the net to down load the toolchain, read this board etc. I then discover that I need to download an rpm for my internal modem, no problem, however when it comes to installing the rpm! For some reason best known to itself I don't seem to have the rpm executable on the system (I am logged in as root); also the GNURpm menuitem (or was it GNORpm?) doesn't do anything!

Not to worry I think, some quirk with the Workstation install, I'll do a custom one this time, tick a few compnents - still no joy with rpm! Anyone have a clue what's going on? I've had a look through the RedHat site but all references to rpm tell me how to use it - right now I just need it!
