PaulWay got me into messing with fractal software again. Grr.

I used to play with Fractint a lot in the old days. But I want more than what Fractint could offer. What I want is a windows program which does:

- Anti-aliasing, like in Fractal eXtreme.

- 24-bit high color, and can cycle those colors, like in Ultra Fractal.

In fact, Ultra Fractal seems to kick ass all over Fractal eXtreme (including having photoshop-style features like transparency and layers), it just doesn't seem to have the antialiasing option.

Fractint will do high color in its latest incarnation (20), but that version hasn't been ported to WinFract yet. And the VESA modes don't work in a DOS window for me, even when I load the DOS VESA drivers in that session.

Anyone got any better fractal software? Actually, it's hard to imagine something better than Ultra Fractal after seeing it...
Tony Fabris