Short background story: My grandfather passed away recently, followed shortly thereafter by my grandmother. So last weekend I was back home in Louisiana helping sort through his clothes. I found his military duffle bag at the bottom of his closet. His war history: He was an Army Infantry Major and served 38 months overseas, first as a platoon leader and later as a battalion commander. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, including an oak leaf cluster, two Purple Hearts and the Philippine Liberation Ribbon with bronze star. He spent time in Fiji, New Zealand, Bougainville, New Georgia, and Solomon Islands and Manila. So, i decided i wanted the duffle bag. A few days later i found a small bag at the bottom of it:

Here is a bigger shot.

The apparent blood stains are creepy to say the least. Though i know blood dries black or dark when left... i'm not sure what a washed blood stain would look like, so i'm still not convinced it's blood, but it sure as hell looks like it to me.

Point of this post... i'd LOVE to have someone translate the writing on it for me:

Here is a higher res shot.

So far i've been told that the 2nd and 3rd characters from the top are pa n, katakana for bread and the last character is "Tai" (or "Fukuro"), the character for "bag" or "sack".

If anyone could give a full translation i'd really appreciate it! Interesting little piece of history i've got here.
|| loren ||