I have some serious issues at work related to job satisfaction and fair compensation for the work I do, especially as compared to others in my group, who I'm basically carrying on my back. I've tried to address these issues with my manager, but she's managing the way she sees fit, and refuses to acknowledge any kind of problem. I could go on for pages about the absurdity of some of the decisions that are made, but rather than vent, I'd like to ask here if anyone's ever had a "skip level" meeting with their boss' boss, and if so, how it went. I am running into a brick wall with my current manager, and this seems to be my only recourse. I've never had to go above my manager's head in my 5 years here, but I'm at a point where if I don't get these issues properly addressed (or at least acknowledged) I'm going to either explode and get myself fired, or lobotomize myself to the point where I can just come in and be another timecard-puncher with no career aspirations whatsoever. Given my nature, the former is the much likelier scenario.

So if anyone's ever done this, I'd appreciate if you could kindly let me know how it went, and if your issues were really addressed, or if you just got lip service. I realize that there are a lot of opportunities outside the walls of this company, and I'm certainly exploring those, but there are some financial incentives for me to stay here until at least June, and I'd like to do whatever I can to make my remaining time here tolerable. I'm especially interested in hearing what the results were, and whether the ends justified the means. I've already set up my meeting, so I'm in it to win it, but I'd just like some advice, and maybe some success stories, if there are any.

- Tony C
my empeg stuff