Hello Empeg Friends,

I've been on a long hiatus from the board, I really miss everyone. I just wanted to update everyone on what I've been up to the past few years. Some years back, there was a great deal of talk about navigation and maps. Since there was a scarcity of good map data, I went out and began contacting the big players in navigation maps hoping to strike a deal to do empeg navigation.

However, this was not to be. The costs for the maps are prohibitively expensive at the time, but it did get me thinking.

So since then, I've decided to go 100% into building a Navigation Device that I could live with. This last week, we released our two new GPS receivers for those out there already with a PDA. In the coming months, we will release our first Navigation PDA. It's a PDA with 224Mb of memory, of which more than half of that will be dedicated to maps and POIs.

I've not made the prerequisite press releases or major promotions yet, as we are quite busy building the company up, setting up the web site, fixing hardware bugs, fixing software, and doing lots of active development. I did put the site up for previewing, for anyone here that would like to take a look and offer any suggestions. Mobile Crossing.

Finally, in the next few weeks, I will be filling in remaining spots on my beta test candidate list for the California area. I'm looking for a few more people who happen to do a lots of driving to do some testing. Selected candidates just have to come by and get set up with a nav PDA.

Anyway, that's it.
