Ahh, the joys of getting the wrong e-mail address. The .com address takes you to the candidate's actual web page. The .org address takes you to a parody of the candidate's web page.

That's all well and good, but then the .org people realized that they were saving all of the e-mail that they received, regardless of whether the recipient was actually for the .com or the .org site. So they posted everything they had online. Most of it isn't very interesting. Is the governor going to appear at this rally? Can you call me back about this fundraising opportunity? Etc. There was, however, something quite interesting that Greg Palast is now reporting, a "caging list" with thousands of names of Jacksonville (and surrounding areas) residents.

What, exactly, does "caging" mean? Maybe they're people who are supposed to be harassed by "challengers" at the polls.

When asked by Newsnight for an explanation of the list, Republican spokespersons claim the list merely records returned mail from either fundraising solicitations or returned letters sent to newly registered voters to verify their addresses for purposes of mailing campaign literature.

Republican state campaign spokeswoman Mindy Tucker Fletcher stated the list was not put together "in order to create" a challenge list, but refused to say it would not be used in that manner.