So the wife and I moved to the Pacific Northwest in the past year, and we bought a newer (late 90's) home on one of the lesser San Juan Islands.
Now being from the North East were used to very cold, dry winters. Indoor humidity never posed a problem. In fact it was always the opposite.
But out here during the tepid, moist winters we find that our windows are always fogging up and condensat-ing (?). Especially in the kitchen, and in the bedroom overnight.
We run outside venting fans (kitchen, bathroom) whenever we can, and when were cooking we usually crack the kitchen door as well. That all helps a bit, but we still have an indoor humidity level of about 75% on average.
This has led to a bit of a mold problem on the windows and trim that we're having a hard time keeping up with.
We've been thinking of getting a de-humidifer but were wondering if there were any other good solutions to high indoor humidity. Or maybe a good way to eradicate the mold once and for all.
Anybody else out there in empeg-land have any similar experiences?
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.