I'm running an old Shuttle SS51G as my animation rig at the moment, with an NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 128MB graphics card. It's okay for the small game stuff I'm animating but I can't play crap for games. I had an urge to play some FPS yesterday and realized this card won't cut it. I reallllly wanna play Half Life 2 and Battlefield 2 on my new Viewsonic 20" widescreen.

QUESTION: What is the best 4x AGP card I can get for SUPER cheap.

My budget for this is next to nothing since it's a frivilous purchase. I saw this ATI Radeon 9550 for $50 on craigslist (http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/sys/211414527.html) but have no idea where on the ATI timeline this thing falls. I wish the card makers would put up a big chart/timeline with every card they have made in order horizontally by time and vertically by speed/quality.

Thanks a ton. I'm so lost in the PC world these days!
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