With all the marriage-related questions going on, I thought I'd add to the mix with a couple questions of my own. I'm actually pretty late in the game as far as the planning goes, but I may need your help as the date approaches (June 30th is right around the corner).

Here's the problems I'm tackling at the moment:

1) Bachelor party! This is a bit of an odd one. My best man and I are not the drinking, partying types. Neither are a couple other groomsmen, including my fiancee's 19 year old brother. I'm going to be doing something very geeky, which is to set up a projector and play video games on a big screen (wild and crazy, isn't it?). The problem at hand: where do I do it? The issues that make it difficult are that I can't do it where I'm living now or where I'm living starting July 16th, and it has to be somewhere that can take us for the whole evening through the next morning. I thought someone here might have a brilliant idea that I hadn't thought of before.

2) Does anyone know of free software that can help figure out seating charts? My fiancee and I are on The Knot (a wedding website), and they have one built into the site, but I'm not a fan of it. I was hoping there was something else out there that people might use to figure out where to put people at banquets and things like that.

3) Similar to the last question, does anyone know of software that will help in planning where to place things in a room? This is actually about the move rather than the wedding. I've been using an Excel spreadsheet to approximate a room layout, but it's just not meant for this application.

That's all for the moment, but I'm sure that as the date approaches there will be a ton of things I've forgotten to think about. Thanks for any help you can give me!