I've got the itch to do a project using an antique radio cabinet and updating it to be sort of a streaming audio (and maybe video) system with an amp and all. I've got a server that I keep my music on and all so really all I'd be asking this to do is stream (a la rio receiver style) from the server. I REALLY would like to use a touch screen or hidden controls and would like that interface to look something like an old time radio dial. I'm thinking the colume here is no big deal but need a way to navigate through the files easily or choose stations, etc.

I thoguht of using my Empeg but really want more graphical area. I've been looking for software and coming up a bit empty. I'm not opposed to a linux or freebsd system. I'm looking to use an Epia Mini ITX system as the base circuit. I have planty of room in the radio cabinet for mounting things...

Anyone know of any software that sounds similar? Or anything close? or for that matter, does anyone know what I'm talking about?
