So today's the big launch day! I know there's a large number of people here that could care less, but I'm sure we have a few Windows users out there, and I'd like to know how people feel about this OS, and whether or not you plan to use it.

Personally? I think Windows 7 is more than just a polished Vista. Sure, it's partly that (mostly, maybe), but I've seen enough Vista installations to know that it's a huge improvement on that OS. I love the visual changes, and I love the new taskbar (I've always hated grouping, but now I like it, which is odd). Most of all, I do feel like it's faster than Vista was. On my netbook, I think it might even be faster than XP, at least that's the perception.

So I look forward to your thoughts. My hope is that we can keep this civilized for a while. I really want to get people's impressions of the OS before we break out the whole religious war smile

ps-option 2 in this poll assumes that you'll continue to use the betas/RCs or purchase licensed copies. I've been using the betas and preordered three upgrades, and chose the second option.
Will you use Windows 7?
Only one choice allowed (32 total votes)
I\'ll be picking up a copy today! - 0 (0%)
I\'ve been running the betas and RC\'s all along - 15 (47%)
I\'ll hold off or wait until I buy a new computer - 6 (19%)
I\'m sticking with Vista - 0 (0%)
I\'m sticking with XP - 4 (13%)
Linux! - 3 (09%)
Mac! - 4 (13%)
Haiku! - 0 (0%)
I use something else! - 0 (0%)
Voting on this poll ends: 05/11/2009 06:27

Edited by Dignan (22/10/2009 10:49)