I was wondering if anyone was looking forward to any summer tours. Maybe we can learn about some good acts coming around before they get to our towns.

The band I was most excited to see this summer, The New Pornographers, played my town last night, and it was fantastic. I only started to listen to them about 4-6 months ago, and they're easily one of my top-three favorite currently-together bands. The show was great, especially their performance of my favorite of their songs "The Bleeding Heart Show," which was absolutely gorgeous!

The lead singer apparently considers DC his favorite town to play (which is a pretty rare sentiment), and two shows at the area's best venue, the 9:30 Club, sold out almost immediately. If they'll be in your area and the show isn't sold out, I highly recommend seeing them. Alternately, the show I went to was recorded by NPR. (My favorite song closes the main part of the show, at mark 1:09:00)