I've been pondering installing a dashcam in one or both of our cars. For the most part, there's nothing really worth doing it, but then you see these spectacular videos out of people in Russia doing dumb things and you think, "wow, I'd love to be able to get videos like that".

Anyway, after an hour of poking around, I'm deeply lost in a world of twisty gadgets, stamped out in factories in China, offered by a plethora of no-name brands. One example of what I'm interested in is this thing. Small, easy to tuck behind your rear-view mirror, yet still adjust the aim of the camera. Common complaints across the whole genre seem to be poor-quality GPS, things melting in the heat (a real concern here in Texas), etc. A related concern, at least for me, is that these things use every different sort of external power connector. USB mini, USB micro, etc. If I'm going to pull a wire, I want to it once, and you see lots of people on various forums writing "this is my fourth dashcam, and I think I finally got a good one."

Thoughts on this? Do I really want one of these things?