First off a big thank you - RioPlay 0.28 is installed and working really well, solving my major issue with the base software - that it wouldn't support the MP2 / 48KHz streams or recordings from my Wavefinder (PC-based UK Digital Audio Broadcasting receiver). Both are now working, although you get the same background crackle you noticed on the resample from other sample rates (to me it sounds very like the crackle from a dusty vinyl record - not perfect but certainly better than not having it work at all!).

Can I make one enhancement request?

When playing in "Shoutcast" mode, it would be really good to be able to move between stations without having to go through the Menu / Select Music / Shoutcast / <list> routine each time - I can see two good alternatives:

1) Pressing "Select" Up / Down changes the display to Shoutcast Channel Select mode, with the current channel highlighted and scrolls immediately through the available channels, but without changing channel - when the required channel is highlighted then "Enter" changes to that channel.

2) The << or >> keys retune immediately to the adjacent stations in the list.

Either of these would be good, both would be great.

Really excellent piece of software. Now if only there was a way to make the Receiver directly support sample rates other than 44.1K to avoid this resample business.... Any ideas as to exactly *how* this is fixed and whether there really is no way round it?
