I got a new cable, plugged it in and it still hangs on bootup.
What the hell is wrong with this thing? Can someaone tell me from reading this log please. Yet I hear HD spin.
I get this message from log:
Thu 14 Mar 2002 21:30:33.190 Logfile opened
21:30:33.190 Emplode.cpp(142) : I [fff00aff] Starting emplode version 1.02a
21:30:42.630 Emplode.cpp(160) : I [fff00aff] Saved preferences.
21:30:42.630 Emplode.cpp(165) : I [fff00aff] WSAStartup returns 0, wsaData = { wVer = 2, wHighVer = 514, szDesc = 'WinSock 2.0', szStatus = 'Running', iMaxS = 0, iMaxD = 0 }
21:30:42.630 Emplode.cpp(213) : I [fff00aff] Document template added.
21:30:42.630 MainFrm.cpp(61) : I [fff00aff] CMainFrame::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct=006FF8CC)
21:30:42.690 MainFrm.cpp(107) : I [fff00aff] About to show splash screen
21:30:42.690 MainFrm.cpp(111) : I [fff00aff] CMainFrame::OnCreate()=0
21:30:42.690 Emplode.cpp(223) : I [fff00aff] About to ShowWindow
21:30:43.350 protocolclient.cpp(873) : I [fff00aff] ProtocolClient::IsUnitConnected()
21:30:43.350 packets.cpp(49) : I [fff00aff] NEW request
21:30:43.350 packets.cpp(140) : I [fff00aff] Request::Ping
21:30:43.350 packets.cpp(1061) : I [fff00aff] FLUSH

21:30:44.560 connection_win32.cpp(314) : I [fff00aff] SerialConnection::FillBuffer: leaving without reading anything.
21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(99) : I [fff00aff] Sending response.
21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(106) : I [fff00aff] Sending packet with id=44
21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(688) : I [fff00aff] Request::WaitForReply(header_return=006FF25C, packet_id=44)

21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(699) : I [fff00aff] WaitForReply loop

21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(701) : I [fff00aff] Waiting for reply with id 44 and timeout 2

21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(827) : I [fff00aff] Request::Receive(h = 006FF0A0, timeout=2)
21:30:44.560 packets.cpp(840) : I [fff00aff] Trying to receive bytes.

21:30:44.940 connection_win32.cpp(314) : I [fff00aff] SerialConnection::FillBuffer: leaving without reading anything.
21:30:44.940 packets.cpp(851) : I [fff00aff] Got -110 bytes from connection->Receive
21:30:44.940 packets.cpp(886) : I [fff00aff] It timed out - trying again
21:30:44.940 packets.cpp(840) : I [fff00aff] Trying to receive bytes.

21:30:45.380 connection_win32.cpp(314) : I [fff00aff] SerialConnection::FillBuffer: leaving without reading anything.
21:30:45.380 packets.cpp(851) : I [fff00aff] Got -110 bytes from connection->Receive
21:30:45.380 packets.cpp(886) : I [fff00aff] It timed out - trying again
21:30:45.380 packets.cpp(840) : I [fff00aff] Trying to receive bytes.

21:30:45.760 connection_win32.cpp(314) : I [fff00aff] SerialConnection::FillBuffer: leaving without reading anything.
21:30:45.760 packets.cpp(851) : I [fff00aff] Got -110 bytes from connection->Receive
21:30:45.760 packets.cpp(886) : I [fff00aff] It timed out - trying again
21:30:45.760 packets.cpp(840) : I [fff00aff] Trying to receive bytes.

21:30:46.150 connection_win32.cpp(314) : I [fff00aff] SerialConnection::FillBuffer: leaving without reading anything.
21:30:46.150 packets.cpp(851) : I [fff00aff] Got -110 bytes from connection->Receive
21:30:46.150 packets.cpp(886) : I [fff00aff] It timed out - trying again
21:30:46.150 packets.cpp(840) : I [fff00aff] Trying to receive bytes.

21:30:46.530 connection_win32.cpp(314) : I [fff00aff] SerialConnection::FillBuffer: leaving without reading anything.
21:30:46.530 packets.cpp(851) : I [fff00aff] Got -110 bytes from connection->Receive
21:30:46.530 packets.cpp(876) : I [fff00aff] No data timeout in state 0
21:30:46.530 packets.cpp(881) : I [fff00aff] Request::Receive(B) = 0xffffff92
21:30:46.530 packets.cpp(704) : I [fff00aff] Receive result was -110

21:30:46.590 packets.cpp(729) : I [fff00aff] Got timeout in receive. Timeout was 2
21:30:46.590 packets.cpp(730) : I [fff00aff] Packet::WaitForReply(D) = 0xffffff92
21:30:46.590 packets.cpp(201) : I [fff00aff] Request::Ping(C) = 0xffffff92

21:30:46.590 protocolclient.cpp(876) : I [fff00aff] ProtocolClient::IsUnitConnected()=0