OK, I am currently sitting here patiently (yea right) waiting for my relatively small 40Gig empeg to complete an fsck after a failed sync. I have been waiting for about 15 minutes and I figure it will take at least another 15 minutes to complete. It occurs to me that this sucks. What about a journaling filesystem? I know that has been brought up before, but I though it might be nice to think about it again. All we need is kernel support for it right? The two leading JFS for linux right now are ext3 and reiser right? Have either of these been backported to the 2.2 kernel series? It just seems like with all the very bright people on this board doing stuff like hijack, dsp programming, etc. there ought to be somebody interested in and capable of getting this to work. Anybody? Anybody? Bueler? Bueler?
EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration