I am having trouble uploading songs to my Empeg. When the unit tries to upload the songs it fails and gives this error:

Synchronize failed while writing player configuration. An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. (error 0x80072736)

If I look at the details for each song the first song has this error:

We Are All Made of Stars could not be synronized.,An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. (error 0x80072746)

I am running Windows XP Home and connecting to the 'peg with a crossover cable on ethernet. I have been having problems for a couple of weeks now. Really want to get this figured out so I can use the other 17GB I have taunting me from the player

I have also been getting a Hard Disk Not Found - Contact Support error sporadically on the 'peg itself.. I found that if I wait a few seconds and then reboot the player it will usually boot up fine. Sometimes it takes more than once but has never not come back to me eventually.

I am attaching a log file from the last Synch attemp from earlier tonight.

BTW If this is in the FAQ and I missed it, please forgive me. I did try.

90234-emplode.log (81 downloads)

Chad MKIIa 30Gb Blue