I have only recently tripped across this product and plan to get one for my next car.
Which distribution of Linux is used and how fully featured is it?
Is it possible to FTP, Telnet or even WWW into the player? This could be handy for configuring a web based inferface for the controlling software, building track lists, organising tracks, uploading new music, etc...
Is there enough room left in the unit to install an ethernet card? Access to the player at 100Mbs through UTP Cat 5 would be real cool :)
Do you need to access the player using the provided software? ie. Could you FTP new Mp3's to the player which would automatically know of their existance?
Leading from that - does the player build an index of available tracks on boot, during transfers or do you need to invoke an index rebuild?
Additionally - I am very excited about the potential of such a device. With the use of additional I/O and software you could quite easily intergrate it into other aspects of your car. Alarms, engine control / management, remote control of windows / sun roof, GPS, engine imboliser, anti-theft, tracking .... the list is endless..... Imagine being able to interrogate your car remotely (where is it? how much fuel? Speeds over the last few days (for when the kids borrow it).