Even though I actually created a way to alter voladj parameters a long time ago (in conjunction with Picker), the method for altering them in a trial-and-error fashion was cumbersome and I never played around with different parameters. All I did was turn voladj on and off.

Now that Mark Lord has written his kernel to allow easy parameter tweaking (I think we should dub him "Lord Kernel" in the same grand tradition as Levelord), I've been playing with the settings.

My main goal is to get voladj sounding pretty much the same as Richard's default settings, but have it amplify less tape hiss.

Right now I'm using the "low" setting to plug in my own parameters, and I'm playing with the following values:


Richard's default values would be:


Note that I've left everything the same except that I've increased the noise floor from 27 to 100, so that the quietest sounds aren't even amplified. And the "fake silence" number seems as though it's actually more like a "maximum multiplier ceiling" value. So my value of 900 means that if you've got quiet notes buried in tape hiss (such as the beginning of the La Villa Strangiato remaster), it doesn't amplify it so much that the tape hiss becomes obvious.

Anyone else experiment with this much? I'm going to have to play with it some more to see what values work well.
Tony Fabris