Hi! I was one of the lucky people who purchased a 60mb Rio Car during the closeout sale in February. Since I have been loading it up with mp3s of all my CDs it has spent more time at my desk than in my car. One thing I have noticed from time to time is that it will freeze, right in the middle of playing a song. It doesn't respond to the remote or to the buttons on the unit itself. The only way I have discovered to unfreeze it is to unplug it and then restart the system. The nice thing is that it will resume playing the song that was frozen right at the note where it left off. The bad thing is that I don't like having my new Rio Car freeze like that. I have read the FAQ and I don't find anything appropriate, or at least, not that I recognized as appropriate. I am still using the commercial 1.03 release software that came with the unit. Has anyone else experienced this behavior? Hopefully it isn't a symptom that will require shipping it back to the factory. Already I'm not sure if I can bear to be parted my Rio Car/Empeg.
