I am having some trouble loading music onto two 100GB discs retrofitted into a RioCar and were wondering if you could help me. I am willing to pay for your time to walk me through this or perhaps you could suggest someone else who could.

I am using the developer version 2.0 with ethernet connection and got about 120 Gb loaded when:

Synchronize failed while writing player configuration. An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket(error 0X80072736)

Now takes forever during Building Databases.

Established a Hyperterminal connection and see:

running e2fsck recommended
Failed to open tags 0XC0041002

I have tried all the things in the FAQ section on the riocar.org site.

I have Skype and PayPal.

200GB RioCar on 74 ft Cutter circumnavigating the globe.