It took a little work on my part, but now I can get custom logos into 12b. Bobo, I don't need you to compile my kernels for me any more.

Has anyone else been successful at this yet? It took me several steps. My problem was getting my original .GIF file into the correct format.

First problem: My paint program won't save it in anything resembling the proper format, so I had to use Bobo's gif-to-empeg converter program.

Second problem: Bobo's converter doesn't save a binary file. It saves a snippet of C code that creates the proper 2k data structure when it's compiled into his custom 11a kernel. So I have to take an ASCII editor and do some search-and-replace work to trim it down to a proper shape.

Third problem: The file is still in ASCII, so I wrote a quick-and-dirty VB program to input all those ASCII numbers and convert them into single binary bytes and write those out to a final file. Oh, and to add "empg" to the beginning and write two copies of the bitmap to the file.

Now, finally, I can run DOWNLOAD.EXE IMAGE.BIN A000 on com1 and squirt the image into flash. Up it comes, pretty as can be, right after the Empeg logo.

And the cool thing is, I'm now using Rjlov's volume adjustment kernel (he's got a 12b version that isn't up on his web site yet but will be soon) with the custom logos. Sweet!

Empeg guys, thanks for this really cool and awesome feature!

Now, does anyone want to actually roll all that crap above into a single windows GUI program? Please? Bobo, are you up to it? I realize that I don't need to have three separate pieces of software doing the work for me, but I'm too busy to integrate all of that stuff into one UI (although I know I could do it if I had the time).

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris