So I just learned that to cover my stereo against theft, my insurance co would raise my premium from $860 per year to $1000 per year. This is a lot of money!

Now because most people just ignore car alarms these days, I've been thinking of custom theft deterrent systems and besides the massive subwoofer that makes the thief defecate in their pants, I was thinking that a nice loud 16kHz sinewave inside the car would pretty much do the job as well. I've got the audio equipment; might as well use it to make bad guys run with blood coming out their ears.

Maybe this post belongs in the projects forum, but would there be a way to use the cell phone mute signal to make the Empeg play a particular mp3 at a particular volume?

Besides this challenge, I'd also need to get the alarm to turn on the Empeg and possibly install a solenoid so that the Empeg cannot be easily pulled out of the sled.

How programmable is that cell phone mute signal?