With my warranty about to expire, thoughts of drive upgrades come to mind. My needs are modest and I want to watch the $$$, so here are my thoughts. I'm looking to see if anybody with more Empeg fs experience can poke holes in this or other wise warm me away. Steps:

1) Add 20GB IBM as drive #2 to my existing 12GB per FAQ. Result: 32GB
2) When $/GB ratio drops further, obtain a 30 or 45 GB drive.
3) Pull 12GB Drive #1 and put in a PC chassis that I use for "whatever" using a 2.5" IDE adapter; do the same with the new 30/48GB drive.
4) Boot off a floppy and clone the 12GB to the 30/48 GB with Ghost, choosing "expand to fill all space" (alternatively, boot off a floppy and use PartitionMagic to adjust partition sizes).
5) Install 30/48 GB drive as drive #1 (keep original drive on shelf). Result: 50-68GB. Should be enough!
6) Test

When drive prices drop yet again, if 50-68 GB isn't enough, repeat this process with Drive #2, then again with #1, then with #2....

The old drives? Well, not sure. Amazing how quickly once-huge drives approach zero value.

I have cloned disks with ext2 fs in just this fashion on a few Linux boxes. Anything unusual in this situation I should look for?


Edited by jimhogan on 03/08/01 10:21 PM.


'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.