I was looking at the entries created by findempeg. Anyone know why all the X's are appended to the end? Here is an entry for me crock empeg-60000032 # Empeg: Serial=60000032 Name=crock EMPEG-60000032-EMPEGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Anyway, I have a feature request for tman...
Allow a function for adding all (multiple) empegs to your hosts file. To do this, use the "name" of the empeg. Assume that it won't have invalid characters, or escape them somehow. This would also work for single empegs, you wouldn't have to specify the serial number and a name, if findempeg found one, it would add it / update it in the hosts file based on the name of the player.

I actually have three empegs on my network at work (I only own one of them). I have two spare empegs at home, so this could really help me out.
