I have just released mp3tofid version 3.00 , to be found here as usual.

There are three major new features
  • support for (and defaulting to) the new player directory structure, ie. fids named /driveX/fids/_YYYYY/ZZZ. Use "-o" to revert to the old structure.
  • intermediate database for storing inode to fid relationship, resulting in a much smaller player database
  • a Windows port (actually a cygwin port)

Until now, it seemed mp3tofid only worked for me. Previous versions seemed to produce much too large databases for the player to handle. The database size would depend on how inode numbers were distributed on the filesystem containing the source MP3's. In this version, this should no longer be of influence.

The intermediate database is stored as .../drive0/var/mp3tofid. Don't lose this database. A new one will be created if it is lost, but all tunes will get new fid numbers resulting in a total re-upload if you run rsync again.

As a result of its location, the mp3tofid database will be copied to the player. It serves no purpose on the player, but it might be handy to have it stored as a backup there.
