Hello all,

A new version is created (1.03) of the MS-Word macro using Empeg database in CSV-format as input for generating an overview of all albums and artist (see also this post, and example here).

This version does not contain extra features but more/better error handling and 'easier to access' by providing a button to start the macro.

Tested on
Office 97/2000 on Win NT/2000. Another member justinlarsen confirmed that it was also working on Office XP for him.

In case of problems check
- Have Excel closed before starting the macro (don't ask me why)
- Do you have Excel installed (requirement)?
- Are your security settings for the macro set to high? If so, lower them (and restart word). (Thx Neutrino and crazymelki)
- In case of system errors, compiler errors or 'object does not exist': this is possible due to the fact I'm using a VB runtime library to open a file dialog (comdlg32.ocx). If you not have them (check for given OCX-file), go to next page of microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;Q192461&
In the future I will try to remove that requirement. It a quite common problem that VB(A) programmers faces (like me), because they have the runtimes themselves when Visual Basic was installed. But for the end-users... they do often not have VB installed (thx for this crazymelki)

It is possible that I'm very quite coming 3 weeks since I'm going on holiday, so relax..
After my holiday I will continue and adding more features and sorting/catalogue formats.

Have fun,

107505-EmpegMusicCatalogue_103.zip (81 downloads)