I just posted blitmenu, but was forgetting some other tools you guys probably don't need, hehe.
Wouldn't it be nice to sit in your car in traffic jam and read some manual pages on your empeg.
Wouldn't it be nice to let your empeg dial to the internet through your portable in your carkit to fetch your email and read it on your empeg's display.

Well, now you can, introducing my latest tool blitoutput.
blitoutput is a tool which reads from stdin and scrolls the contents over the display. It tries to emulate a terminal display of 80 characters wide and has a buffer of 500 lines; output can be scrolled using the rotary knob (up/down)
and the left/right buttons (maybe... left/right ?)
It's pretty handy in combination with blitmenu.
"ps ax" gives nice output and so does "top -n 1 -b"

In the near future there will also be a manual input mode;
by pushing the rotary knob a list of ascii characters is displayed which can be scrolled through by rotating the rotary-knob (the name says all), just like my nokia 7110(telnet on wap sucks).
This way you can send commands;
Maybe an IR keyboard will be an option.
also very funny is "telnet localhost | blitoutput" when the empeg display really behaves like a genuine output device. You can use your keyboard on the serial-console to issue commands.

I will not provide source yet, but will in the near future.
PS. put ascii.raw /usr/local/images/

I haven't had this fun with a gadget since my speccy...

Frank van Gestel

4-18685-blitoutput.tgz (154 downloads)

Frank van Gestel