Today I downloaded and installed a great visualization plug-in for WinAmp called Geiss ( It did something pretty nifty: As each new song started, it flashed the song information on top of the visualization for a couple seconds. Then the information faded out and blended with the visualization.

This would be PERFECT for the Empeg car. I prefer to leave the unit with just the visualizations up and running for the most part. The only time I want to see the info bar is at the start of a new track. When a song starts out really quitely, I often find myself fumbling for the remote so that I can see what the song will be. If it automatically flashed the info bar at the start of a new song, then I could leave it in vis-only mode all the time, and not have to do this.

You could have the info bar fade out slowly over a period of five seconds or so, using the few shades of gray available in the display's palette.

The user interface would only require a minor change. When you are selecting "Information" from the system menu, it could simply toggle between On, Off, and Flash. When cycling through these options with the remote, you could indicate "Flash" mode by making it appear and fade much more quickly.

Whaddya think, "Mac"?

Tony Fabris