1) Some sort of archival capability. I am investing enough time into marking up my tracks, setting up my playlists, and selecting my music that it is well worth it to me to shell out $100 to buy a hard drive that I can back my empeg up onto. I am getting very concerned about losing my data due to a failure of either the hard disk or the software. If you are concerned about enabling piracy, then I can live with an archive solution that only restores onto Empeg.

2) One-button shuffle toggle. Nothing new here, but I very frequently go back and forth between enabling and disabling shuffle. I would really like to be able to shortcut this toggle with some button combination on the remote. Unfortunately, this will of course require setting aside some portion of screen real estate for showing the current setting of the toggle.

3) I hope that Empeg Limited has a wildly successful 2000, and is able to keep doing the kind of software projects that you enjoy and excel at. I am very excited about your success!