I just read IBM is bringing out a 1 Gig Compact Flash disk this fall. I am seriously considering getting one for my iPAQ. Yes, thats right I managed to get a Compact Flash Sleeve for it ... No, don't bother offering me 20.000 dollars for it, I am not letting this one out of my sight. Anyways, and obviously this is not going to happen with the MK2 (or is it?), but I was thinking it would be nice if you could plug that into your Empeg too ... I have no clue if it would be possible with the empeg hardware. Just would be nice. Either as a removable drive for future apps (again nav systems pop to mind) or as a quick mp3 transfer medium (i.e. put the compactflash in your laptop/pc using a compactflash convertor to pcmcia, upload 1 gig mp3's at high speed then plug it in the empeg who could then transfer it over to the main drive).

Of course these drives are not cheap, but like I said I am going to get one for my iPAQ anyway. Perhaps a PCMCIA slot in the empeg would be better, one you could use for things like this AND other ideas (gsm card, wireless card, modem card, compactflash memory with converter, compactflash harddisk with converter, etc etc etc) ...

Any chance of that ever happening ?
I know I know, no room but still, there has to be a way to do it somehow, I would even be willing to give up my second harddisk space for it ...


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