Sort of a bug...

Well, after a week without an empeg in the car, i finally got a free second and pulled out the sled and found that one of the white RCA wires had pulled out of the docking connector.

I hadn't been using the empeg because at random times or when i would hit a bump, incredibly loud (no matter how loud the volume was on the empeg) pops and hisses would nearly blow my ears out. When i pushed or bumped the front of the unit when this was happening, sometimes it would stop, so i figured it was the docking connector.

When i pulled the sled out and gave it a good once over, i found 2 other wires that were about to pull loose, so i just soldered em all while i was at it.

So, my question, is this covered under warranty? I'd kinda like a new docking connector seeing as how i don't trust my soldering skills all that much (those tiny slits where hard to get solder into without melting the plastic), and since my 1 year is about up, i'd hate to have more wires come loose after i'm out of warranty range.


|| loren.cox ||
|| loren ||