Thanks a bunch for posting the site and part numbers. I really appreciate it

Yep. Thanks.
I just ordered two connectors and a bunch of pins.
Here is what is boils down to:
2 connector housings - $6.56 @3.28 ea.
50 small pins - $19.02 @ .38 ea. (ouch)
10 power pins - $6.11 @ .61 ea.

Total: $31.69 plus shipping. I opted for priority mail. There is an option for 1st class, but I wasn't sure of the weight.

I was forced to buy at least ten of the larger power pins - minimum order quantity. I only wanted 5 or 6 to cover myself for spares. So when I receive the order, I will post here and whoever is the first to request the extras (at least 4) gets them. (Free, via slow mail)
Save somebody having to order the power pins anyway.

Just did a little calculation. Digi-Key imposes a $5 handling charge if orders are less than $25. So whoever gets my free pins would still be compelled to buy two connectors and at least 49 small pins to come up to $25.
-- Terry K -- 30Gb Smoke / Toyota 4x4 30Gb Amber / Bounder RV Pants first, then shoes