I'll put out the kicker first. It's a DELL. Sort of.

P3 1GHz (no fan, just heat sink) on Dell ATX mobo running through an adapter on P4 300W PSu in this case. Most of the fans have been replaced with Vantec Stealths (much quieter now).

I had another post entitled "I am the proud new owner of a 7 engine jet." That was me complaining about how loud the Sunon fans were in the new case. And now I hate Dell for the way they design mobos and cases. First, they switch 2 wires on the PSu and mobo so that you can't use them with standards. Second, the CPU has a pipe directly to the rear case fan, instead of having it's own fan above the heat sink.

For those reasons I will be upgrading soon, and all the Dell stuff will go back in the Dell case when I'm done.