Call me ignorant...but couldn't one of the wonderful programmers on here (like Mark) do this while we wait for it to be implemented in the actual empeg software? I mean, it's not like you have to generate a whole new database. All the data is stored on the empeg. Of course, if it's really so much computing power to generate the soup views on the fly, couldn't somebody program something that ran on sync (like maybe in jemplode) that would generate a database containing the soup view information, then hack a new menu (like the Hijack menus) that would access this new database with the proper set of pointers (and FIDs).

With all the other utterly amazing hacks I've seen, this seems like it would be a piece of cake.
__________________ Scott MKIIa 10GB - 2.0b11 w/Hijack MKIIa 60GB - 2.0 final w/Hijack