Geocaching is defintely the coolest.

Although recently I tried to hide a cache on Cape Cod in one of my favorite remote spots.
Beautiful view of the ocean and dunes, and a really nice walk to get there.
I submitted the coordinates to and got denied because apparently this location is part of the National Seashore.

Evidently the Dept of the Interior has banned geocaching on all goverment lands.
They dont want to endorse people going off the trails (which apparently is a fine-able offense - who knew) and they say that geocaching may involve "digging" which is definitely not allowed in the parks.
I think it sounds a little paranoid, but I guess thats the government for you.

I could think of a dozen places off the top of my head that would be perfect for Geocaches here in the North East but theyre all on park land. You wouldnt need to go off any trails or hurt any wildlife to find them, and there would certainly be no digging involved.

I used to work for the Park Service in Maine so I got to see first hand how bound up in red tape they are.
They've also had their budget raped so many times over the last couple of years that they are all walking around on eggshells, so I kind-of understand, but it still rubs me the wrong way.
</end rant>

...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.