I personally have an HP ScanJet IIcx that is a workhorse SCSI scanner. This thing is a tank. For such a scanner I can justify spending the money.

Ummm, yeah. What he said.

I also have a ScanJet IIcx, cost me nearly $1000 about 10 years ago. When I compare it to the cheap throwaway USB scanners of today, I just shake my head in bewilderment. I wouldn't trade my 10 year old IIcx for five of those new ones.

I like being able to scan a full color 8x10" photograph in 8--10 seconds. Apart from it being difficult to get it set up and configured each time I build a new computer, I have had not the slightest problem with it in all that time.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"